Just because Hawaii appears to get all sun doesn't mean that driving conditions are always stable. In fact, Hawaii's rain season spans from November to March. When it rains, driving inevitably becomes more dangerous. However, being behind the wheel with a rain-covered windshield doesn't have to be a nerve-wracking experience. We've created a trusty checklist to keep in mind whenever it starts pouring during your drive.
Tip #1: Stay alert
This advice is a no-brainer, but you must stay extra attentive to your surroundings when weather conditions aren't ideal. Drivers should practice defensive driving and remember to check their blind spots frequently.
Tip #2: Use your headlights
Please remember to turn on your headlights in bad weather when visibility is low. Many states even have laws requiring drivers to put on their headlights in certain conditions, so it's better to be safe than sorry.
Tip #3: Careful with hydroplaning
Whenever a surplus of water sits on the road, it can make your tires lose traction and hydroplane. Hydroplaning is considered very dangerous as your wheels could lock up and make you lose control of your vehicle. This is why it is crucial to regularly check your tire tread so that you can replace your tires on time.
Tip #4: Slow down and turn off cruise control
Wet roads can be very challenging to drive on, which is why you should slow your speed to decrease the likelihood of hydroplaning. You should also never use cruise control whenever it rains, as it can cause you to go faster than usual.
Tip #5: Brake carefully
One primary common cause of vehicle accidents in the rain is drivers slamming on their brakes too late. The wet road is extra slippery, making it very easy for you to lurch forward after braking. To be safe, you should brake gently and early to caution the driver behind you that you are slowing down.
For more helpful tips and reliable auto services in Honolulu, HI, Kalihi, HI, Pearlridge, HI, Waipahu, HI, and Kaneohe, HI, please call or visit Lexbrodies today!